Consortio Dei Podcast

A Podcast about Partnering with God to do Sacred Work

A Podcast about Partnering with God to do Sacred Work

Winn Collier

2: Winn Collier

Winn Collier, a pastor for 26 years, was the founding pastor of All Souls in Charlottesville, Virginia. Winn now serves as Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology & Christian Imagination and director of the Eugene Peterson Center for Christian Imagination at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan. Winn has a PhD in religion and fiction from the University of Virginia and is the author of multiple books, including Love Big, Be Well: Letters to a Smalltown Church and A Burning in My Bones, the biography of Eugene Peterson.

(Post revised to correct audio link.)

The Consortio Dei podcast is hosted by John Chandler as a companion to my spiritual direction practice. I offer individual direction as well as spiritual formation cohorts. Please get in touch if you are considering spiritual direction or would like to learn more about other growth opportunities.

John Chandler helps individuals and teams facilitate mindful living through spiritual practices, soul care, and relational support.

Spiritual Direction

As a spiritual director, I help people learn how to pay attention to God's sacred presence and respond to what is happening within and around them.

How Can I Help?

Alongside spiritual direction, I also share content about how  living with intention and awareness comes from the practical choices we make each day.