About John Chandler
Consortio Dei is the spiritual direction practice of John Chandler. I offer spiritual direction from a Christian perspective with an emphasis on exploring spiritual practices to see how the image of God is being realized within each of us.
I often find myself working with spiritual leaders in churches and faith based orgs. My work with spiritual leaders is rooted in my own ministry and non-profit experience. Over 25 years, I served in diverse roles and settings...
...from intern to lead pastor...
...from leading teams in a large church to working bi-vocationally in a new church plant...
...both as a board member and a full-time employee in a non-profit...
I’m glad to walk alongside spiritual leaders in their journey, offering direction through my experience and understanding of the unique pressures they face.
However, I’m also glad to work with anyone, regardless of their church background or life experience. My practice is rooted in the core belief that each of us is created in the image of God, and each of us is perpetually invited to live out of that reality.
I live on the desert edge of the Phoenix area with my family and our overly friendly goldendoodle.
Please contact me for a free discovery session if you would like to explore working together.

“Thank you for your thoughtfulness, your insight, and your good questions. I’ve consistently appreciated your perspectives and experiences; you engage with ideas, situations, and stories with great care and intention, showing how much you care. You bring a spaciousness to our conversations - one which God uses to bring about beautiful things.”
— JK