In Defense of Productivity
A Brief Review of MacSparky's Productivity Field Guide
A brief review of the MacSparky Productivity Field Guide that reminds us that productivity is about being, before doing.
My Favorite Digital Reading Setup Ever
So far, anyway
A primary source of delight for me these days is the combination of my BOOX Page reader and the Readwise Reader app.
Why I Keep Two Different Journals
There's the personal one. And there's the practical one.
From time to time, I’ve wondered if it adds a needless complexity in my life to maintain two different kinds of journals. But it’s proven to be helpful.
How to Plan a Personal Retreat Day
Sometimes we need a full day with "Do Not Disturb" status
Planning a personal retreat is an appealing idea, but many aren’t sure where to start. Here are a few simple steps to consider as you plan a retreat day of your own.
That’s So Last Year
And that doesn't have to be a bad thing
The start of a new year is a good time to look back at the last one.
O Wisdom, Wisdom, Wherefore Art Thou Wisdom?
Daily Movements, Part Three: Mind
Engaging daily with our mind is not only about learning or understanding, but ultimately about wisdom.
The Prompts Folder
Capture it now, consider it later
It’s easier to write about something when you always have something to write about.
Orient Yourself Toward Something Greater
Daily Movements, Part Three: Soul
Making space to engage with your soul means to acknowledge that you are, in some way, connnected to a larger reality.
A Book to Consider: Stolen Focus
Focus is your friend
If you struggle to find time to read books, maybe a book about focus would be a good place to start.
Don’t Find Your Groove…Form It
Daily Movements, Part Two: Heart
The first of the Daily Movements considers how we engage with our heart.