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The work of spiritual direction is primarily about being attentive to divine leadings, so I find that my work as a spiritual director often leads to exploring new practices for prayer and reflection. It is most often the resources contained in these pages that I share, and I’m glad to share these resources for whoever they might benefit.
Like any new habit, you might find these different forms of prayer challenging at first. Give each some time to build your familiarity and settle into a rhythm. It’s true that you will likely find some of these more meaningful for you than others, but I’d encourage you to try each of them 8-10 times before deciding if it is helpful for you. The truth is, many of these practices will lead to richer and richer experiences over time, but it is unlikely that any of them will lead to an immediate sense of divine awareness.
I hope these resources can be helpful, but like anything, these practices might best be learned in the community with others. I also offer cohorts for exploring some of these practices alongside others, or of course, you might consider joining me for spiritual direction.
One final note: most of these resources are not original to me, and I’ve done my best to credit the sources. But some of them are also long held traditions, so even the sources are working to modernize long held sacred practices.
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John Chandler helps individuals and teams facilitate mindful living through spiritual practices, soul care, and relational support.
Spiritual Direction
As a spiritual director, I help people learn how to pay attention to God's sacred presence and respond to what is happening within and around them.
How Can I Help?
Alongside spiritual direction, I also share content about how living with intention and awareness comes from the practical choices we make each day.