The Best Criteria for Yearly “Goals”

Themes are better than resolutions

person writing bucket list on book

We’re a month into a new year, and as the story usually goes, most people who set New Year’s resolutions have already lost them by this time.

When I’m setting goals, or when I want to focus on a specific project, I think in terms of three months at a time. But, I do like to set a theme, or focused values, a year at a time. Then, I can determine quarterly projects based on how they fit within the overall themes for the year.

In this video, I describe three simple values that might be beneficial to consider over the course of a year. Or anytime, really…

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters

John Chandler helps individuals and teams facilitate mindful living through spiritual practices, soul care, and relational support.

Spiritual Direction

As a spiritual director, I help people learn how to pay attention to God's sacred presence and respond to what is happening within and around them.

How Can I Help?

Alongside spiritual direction, I also share content about how  living with intention and awareness comes from the practical choices we make each day.